What's most striking to me in the conversations about aliens, angels, gods, fairies - whatever have you - is the lack of acceptance that all these cryptids, beings, and creatures may be one and the same.

Applying the multiverse theory here, and I'm spitballing, and accepting that there are alternate dimensions in spacetime means accepting beings from those alternate dimensions. And while, socio-culturally, there is a difference between an alien and an angel, the reality is that the two may be the same being interpreted by fallible humans based on their perceptions, values, and principles.

My daughter is six now, and when she asks, "Is ___ real?" I always give her the same answer: What we see is real; some things we can't see are also real; and some people see real things others don't or can't see."

Reality itself, especially when it comes to qualifying beings and entities we don't understand, must be questioned.

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Our powers of perception are severely hindered as humans. And what a nice and patient answer for the kid, too!

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The Demonic hypothesis really seems to be a recurring theme in this latest round of "disclosure" (as such) and I hate that it seems a very narrow steer on what is a rich and intriguing seam in the overlap between elements of the UFO phenomena and historic accounts of demonic manifestations. I like Redfern's book but I really think he's at least partly been sold an AFOSI crock and I worry that this line appears to have circled back around the to heights of reactionary politics and the Military Industrial complex itself. Onward Christian soldiers indeed!

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I am (slowly) working on a book for a friend that covers her ancestors native knowledge on the forest people species' (Samsquanches, Bigfoot, Sabe, etc) in the Pacofic NW. She has mentioned to me more than once that the reason that most Sasquatch will flee when invoking Jesus's name is due to their reverence of religious beliefs as they understand the Great Spirit/ Creator. I have also heard that some Sasquatch actually claim that they can "visit the place that Jesus is "at"" which could mean countless things, but is intriguing nonetheless. Anyways Observer, I have a slightly new book of stamps for you. I think there's 16 stamps on it. I think I might try to grab another book prior to sending to you. Peace amd Blessings to anyone reading this. Chuck

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We never thought about how this might apply to the Big Hairy One... but of course it would. Maybe Nessie dives for the deep end when religious icons are invoked? And thanks as always for your kind gesture, Chuck!

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