The Power of Christ Compels U...FOs?
Like so many other UFOnuts, we tuned into last November’s Congressional UFO hearing with cautious optimism.
Like so many other UFOnuts, we tuned into last November’s Congressional UFO hearing with cautious optimism. Dubbed the year’s “UFO Superbowl,” the event generated excitement around THE OBSERVER’s office, with most of us just happy to see UFOs back in the spotlight.
The resurgence of mainstream UFO interest is a positive development, even if some figures are hijacking the exposure for their own agendas. Honestly, we aren’t too hung up on their motives, since the increased attention contributes to the public’s growing acceptance and a flood of pop culture content.
The congressional panel spent most of the afternoon analyzing the “observables” of the phenomenon—how fast the objects moved, whether they interfered with nuclear weapons, and if any physical evidence had been recovered. The questions were predictable and nothing groundbreaking was revealed.
However, our interest piqued when Congresswoman Anna Luna of Florida’s 13th District grabbed the mic and used part of her 5-minutes to drop this gem:
“Do any of you ever come across reports from people that claim to have firsthand experiences with these entities, whatever they might be, or these aircraft, and then as a result, whether or not they’re religious, find that these things automatically disappear?”
“The reason I ask is because it seems like, just based on our conversations, that we’ve had people say that there are good and bad of whatever these things are.”
Is Rep. Luna on the ‘UFOs are demons’ tip? Is she asking whether the power of Christ compels aliens?
Some interpret UFOs as angelic manifestations—but angels aren’t always love and light. Christianity allows for both good and bad angels, and it’s the bad ones who propagate the UFO deception as a way to distance people from God.
The idea that invoking religious symbols can ward off supernatural forces is a longstanding trope. From exorcisms to abductions, anecdotal accounts suggest that some entities can be repelled by invoking Jesus’ name. Author and UFO researcher, Gary Bates, says he knows of over 400 cases where abductions ceased after people called on Jesus Christ. Bates takes this as evidence that UFOs are demonic, since “demons instantly become terrified once Jesus arrives on the scene.” Was Rep. Luna hinting at this when she asked if UFOs “automatically disappear” in the presence of “religious” people?
Others in the milieu have similar views. Georgia Rep. Marjorie Greene told The Hill, “I think we have to question if it’s more of the spiritual realm. Angels, or fallen angels.” Conservative pundit Tucker Carlson shared his beliefs on the topic with Joe Rogan, calling the phenomenon “spiritual,” with entities split into “team good or team bad.”
One of the November’s congressional witnesses, former-DOD employee Lue Elizondo, touched on this overlap between government, theology, and UFOs in his recent book (but not in response to Luna’s questions during the hearing). In Imminent, he tells how official UFO investigations were stymied by “a powerful circle of religious fundamentalists” operating inside the Pentagon. This group, known as the Collins Elite (read Nick Redfern’s Final Events for the best summary), rejects UFO research on the grounds that it’s demonic.
Ultimately, the panel had no answers for Luna, leaving us with little insight about her question’s intent. Is she pushing for “national security” funding to combat a spiritual threat? It’s a provocative avenue for lawmakers to explore, and worth keeping an eye on as the discussion unfolds.

What's most striking to me in the conversations about aliens, angels, gods, fairies - whatever have you - is the lack of acceptance that all these cryptids, beings, and creatures may be one and the same.
Applying the multiverse theory here, and I'm spitballing, and accepting that there are alternate dimensions in spacetime means accepting beings from those alternate dimensions. And while, socio-culturally, there is a difference between an alien and an angel, the reality is that the two may be the same being interpreted by fallible humans based on their perceptions, values, and principles.
My daughter is six now, and when she asks, "Is ___ real?" I always give her the same answer: What we see is real; some things we can't see are also real; and some people see real things others don't or can't see."
Reality itself, especially when it comes to qualifying beings and entities we don't understand, must be questioned.
The Demonic hypothesis really seems to be a recurring theme in this latest round of "disclosure" (as such) and I hate that it seems a very narrow steer on what is a rich and intriguing seam in the overlap between elements of the UFO phenomena and historic accounts of demonic manifestations. I like Redfern's book but I really think he's at least partly been sold an AFOSI crock and I worry that this line appears to have circled back around the to heights of reactionary politics and the Military Industrial complex itself. Onward Christian soldiers indeed!