This is fascinating research. I hadn't considered that all these portals and vortices and "doorways" might be nothing more than the pollution or exhaust generated by whatever system is powering UFOs.

Come to think of it, though, it does make a great deal of sense. Maybe we've had it backwards all along: instead of the doorways appearing first, and the UFOnauts using them to travel between planets and dimensions and whatnot, perhaps the UFOs appear first, and the doorways follow along in their wake as a kind of weird, environmental waste…

Great stuff as always!

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Hey Observer!! Its me again!! #12 was worth the wait. But, what if those vortexes are just an amalgamation of collected CO2 from cow farts. And that is why they want us to eat zee bugs??? Huh, WHAT then Observer?

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Now there’s an idea. Fighting climate change is cover for fighting off a proliferation of portals!

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