Great series of articles! Gotta get me one of those “God Helmets.”

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Fascinating subject! I need to track down EARTH LIGHTS - it's an interesting premise.

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Jesus stepped through a portal, as witnessed by 200 of his followers - he didn't "die" (again) he was still in his body when he left (took it with him) ... so he didn't go to death/Heaven- which is a "spirit-world" . It seems he was able with a z"Christ" level of consciousness, to "transfigure" the frequency of his body, so that it could adapt to the many dimension Life on Earth has to offer ... he invited all to "come follow me" ... the narrative doesn't say if he "created a portal" or just knew where the "invisible bridge" - to a higher dimension existed - but I feel certain that the "alien spirits" can not exist there - and in truth only exist in the 3D, in the minds of those who entertain them - of their own free will.

Early version of digital cameras were able to "capture" orbs and portals - perhaps when Jesus recalibrated his body's frequency, he was able to see them too (?) cymantics show us how frequencies rearrange particles in new geometric patterns - and the god helmet seems to be able to do that- but they are apparently taking the curious to "lower" dimensional fields - if they are seeing "aliens"/shape-shifters - from the "underworlds"

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