Hypothesis: The collection of memories known as the “MudFlood” came from a series of events that occurred when Earth was targeted by large-scale Directed Energy Weapons built by humans inhabiting the planet Mars. This assault targeted Napoleon’s victorious Army, as well as all French Colonies and Allies across the world facilitating one of the biggest Resets of Human civilization in Earth’s history.

What is the MFEE?

The MudFlood Energy Event is a hypothesis that a collection of unexplained phenomena around the world starting in the early 19th century was caused by a single energy event. This event resulted in the destruction and re-shaping of continents and the covering up of entire cities across the planet with earth material.

The surviving emptied buildings of the “reset areas”, recently cleared of life, were repopulated by orphan trains. Train tracks were promptly built across America, Europe, and Asia. Similarly, the first insane asylums were constructed across the world - everywhere the tracks led - with the purpose of containing the memory of the Reset. Excavations of this buried world continued throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, but instead of revealing the discoveries - they were surreptitiously kept secret, redacted, and even out-right lied about. Of all the popular conspiracy theories that exist around the internet, the Mud Flood Energy Event stands out, opening eyes and blowing minds, and yet no hypothesis has been presented to explain how it happened.

Deductively, such an event would have required an epic release of energy to move billions of tons of debris many hundreds of miles. We have to look for the source, because without the energy - there’s no MudFlood Event. For example, St. Helens in 1980 erupted releasing 24 megatons of thermal energy resulting in 3 million cubic meters of volcanic mudflows known as “lahars” being transported over 27 km. So,

What caused the MFEE?

The Mud Flood Energy Event was caused by an interplanetary assault upon the Earth by humans who inhabit the planet Mars. The method used to achieve this event was the construction of large-scale Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) on Mars pointed at Earth during opposition (a planetary alignment). The Mars DEW targeted sovereign kingdoms and airships, wiping out entire continents and islands. Locations that were not pre-selected for destruction instead experienced heavy MudRains composed of the debris from the targeted regions, as well as catastrophic electric discharge. Cathode-style cathedrals (like in St Petersburg) withstood the electric onslaught while fortresses (like the Kremlin) were completely destroyed.

After the DEWs heated the Earth’s surface enough to create the Ring of Fire, a secondary negative discharge arced across America and Asia carving out such structures as the Grand Canyon and forming the tallest mountain regions like Everest and the Colorado Rockies. This secondary discharge may have been unintentional as it added a significant volume of material to the MudFlood Event that covered Eastern America and Western Europe. It also left behind clues too big to be covered up.

The trigger for this event was the World War of 1812 when Napoleon’s army invaded the American-Syberian Empire from both East and West burning down both the Kremlin and the church which today is known as the White House. Officially, Napoleon’s nearly 500,000 man army was defeated in Syberia. In reality, Napoleon’s invasion was successful, utterly ruining hundreds of years of Deep State plans in less than a decade. This forced the Deep State’s hand, requiring a correction of the most extreme nature.

Where was the MFEE?

The target for this event was the French Empire of 1812 under Napoleon and its allies across the world. The Kingdoms of the Pacific Islands were systematically annihilated (to be later redacted into the myth of Mu Continent). Fortresses and other buildings as far north as Scotland were targeted leaving behind melted ruins.The Giants of western North America and eastern Eurasia were eliminated leaving behind hundreds of thousands of burial mounds (to be destroyed by bulldozers during the Smithsonian Cover Up). Land masses like Zelandia, Lemuria, and the Bering Land Bridge which connected Asia and America were procedurally carved away leaving submerged continents and atolls. Mesas, never seen before on Earth, formed in Western America. Mountains melted in Australia. Unique electrical scarring in China left painted rainbow canyons. Today these regions are collectively known as the ‘Ring of Fire’.

The Americas were also hit by a secondary negative electric discharge so large in amplitude that it ripped material out of the ground and tossed it hundreds of miles into the atmosphere resulting in the formation of the Grand Canyon. The resulting electric scar left a winding path 277 miles long and 18 miles wide, and one mile deep. Dendritic scarring like this is found nowhere else on earth, but is found in many places on Mars, which experienced intense negative electric discharge in antiquity.

As the wreckage of these land masses filled the earth’s atmosphere and moved further away from the targeted zones, this debris cooled and fell to Earth as “Mud”. Western Europe and Eastern America were hit by Mudfloods and Bloodrains. Today, one can find endless pictures of American and European buildings where the earth level has risen significantly above the ground floor with no explanation given.

Why did the MFEE happen?

The Deep State had a centuries-old plan to rule the world through a single eurocentric judaochristian religion ruled by a puppet ‘royal bloodline’ aristocracy and a false biblical narrative. This plan fell apart during the French Revolution, leaving one of it’s heroes, Napoleon, with an opportunity to free the world from the grips of the Deep State forever. Captain N’s plan was to turn their royal bloodline aristocracy agenda on itself by declaring himself Emperor and joining allies with the enemies of the Deep State, specifically the Kingdoms of the Pacific Islands, and the Native Giants of America and Asia. The trick worked and the world regarded this new French Empire as a welcome break from the Holy Roman Empire and a challenge against the imperial claims of Tsar Alexander I of Russia and the Byzantine Empire. As an Emperor consecrated by the Roman Catholic Church (by the Concordat of 1801), the religious institutions of the world had little choice but to regard Napoleon as a holy emperor ordained by God.

By 1812, Napoleon had invaded Moscow with an army of half a million soldiers. Napoleon had not only liberated Europe and Asia, but America as well. The official story is that the British burned the White House in a sea-based assault in 1812, but in reality, it was Napoleon’s army traversing through American lands forbidden to the English and Spanish. Napoleon had convinced the Native Americans to let the french soldiers pass through their lands and attack an enemy. Why would the American Giants agree to such a thing? Because they remembered the Spanish Requerimiento of 1513. They didn’t want to be subject to the “yoke and obedience of the Church and of their Highnesses”. They remembered the English betrayal in King Philip’s War of 1675 as well as ceaseless efforts to impose taxation, slavery, and usury upon their lands leading up to the Townshend Acts of 1767 and the Boston Tea Party of 1773. Napoleon had offered the Americans a much better option - an American Republic, like France had. But to do that, he’d have to win the war. With the Americans on Napoleon’s side it seemed nothing but a Divine Intervention would preempt the Deep State’s destruction.

Who caused the MFEE?

The Deep State is as old as humanity itself and is located in all the secret places of the Earth, as well as places we were told Humans cannot live, like on planet Mars. In their desperation to stop Napoleon, they employed use of large-scale DEWs on Mars that would become the instrument that reversed the victories of the Napoleonic wars, annihilating his army along with the infrastructure of the French Empire and its allies. Between 1812 and 1860, the Mars DEWs eliminated all threats to the Deep State on Earth and set the stage for a reset of history. By doing it this way, the Deep State covered up it’s own involvement while striking the fear of God into the survivors who then had little choice but to regard Napoleon’s defeat as also ordained by God. Those who resisted the Reset disappeared into newly built asylums across the planet - like the Lunatic Asylum of Ohio which was completed in 1838.

In the 20th century, the Deep State would continue covering up it’s tracks by re-classifying all threatening literature as “Fantasy” or “Science Fiction''. All references to advanced technology or life existing on Mars would become suppressed.

When was the MFEE?

[Play 1812 overture] Overture 1812 Lyrics. Mighty Lord, preserve us from jeopardy. Take Thee now our faith and loud crying in penitence. ... And to our land bring peace

The MudFlood Energy Event appears to be unintentional, as it left behind verifiable proof that a world-wide MudFlood occurred. Therefore, we can assume that the MudFlood did not repeat; that it occurred one time - by accident - and then afterwards that accident would not be purposefully repeated, less it would create more left-behind evidence.

By comparing the dates of MudFlood photographs we can place the event around 1812. This was also the date of the World War of 1812 which involved every continent. By analyzing the known events leading up to this significant date, we can hypothesize as to why the MFEE happened in the first place. Fomenko’s New Chronology (found on chronologia.org/) describes a religious schism between Europe and Russia that can be traced back to the First Crusade.

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Hypothesis: The collection of memories known as the “MudFlood” came from a series of events that occurred when Earth was targeted by large-scale Directed Energy Weapons built by humans inhabiting the planet Mars. This assault targeted Napoleon’s victorious Army, as well as all French Colonies and Allies across the world facilitating one of the biggest Resets of Human civilization in Earth’s history.

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If there were a DEW on Mars... where is the evidence on the Red Planet itself?

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I think it's odd to ask for 'evidence' of life on Mars, especially in a cover-up situation where they intentionally hide their presence in the 20th century. Nevertheless, there is a planet-sized myriad of literature in and before the 19th century that discussed life on Mars without faith in vatican-created establishments like NASA. Ancient testimony tells us the 'true' origin story of Earth, Mars, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, and the Sun! (oh and the other planets were sorta involved too). The real history of our solar system is recent, not millions or billions of years long. Earth shares an incubated safe space with Mercury, Venus, and Mars that allows for periodic quantum entanglement without interference. Occasionally, Birkeland currents will flow between these planets. The coma tail of Venus prevents quantum entanglement and safe travel, as does the asteroid belt. Mercury may be a viable quantum-tunnel travel location. The most natural and safest periodic quantum gates exist between Earth and Mars. These gates were formed during inter-planetary discharges of electricity, the same kind of lightning scarring that carved the Grand Canyons. This quantum-entanglement technology allowed technocratic Deep State to establish a Pyramidal Empire on Earth and Mars which spread across the planets converting or killing every indigenous civilization it encountered. This inland empire still dominates inner solar system affairs today.

Q: Why haven't I heard about this theory before?

Well, maybe you have!

No one would have believed in the last years of the nineteenth century... that the twentieth century would label over 300 years of Mars Literature as 'Science Fiction'.

Early Mars Literature

Athanasius Kircher (1602–1680), Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772), and others wrote in detail about Earth contact with Mars, including the first voyages to the planet, sometimes as an invasion force, more often for the purposes of exploration.

In 1784, Sir William Herschel, British Astronomer Royal, studied Mars with telescopes he built himself. Herschel believed that ALL the planets were inhabited and that there were even intelligent beings living in a cool area under the surface of the hollow Sun!

Giovanni Exposes Mars to the Public

In 1877, Giovanni Schiaparelli observed a dense network of linear structures on the surface of Mars which he called "canali" (Channels in Italian).

Percival Lowell Maps Mars in Detail

From 1880 to 1895, Percival Lowell studied Mars extensively at his observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, and made intricate drawings of canals, oases, cities, and other "non-natural features". He described in detail the vast skein of mechanically constructed canal systems that traversed the red planet unmistakably grown around the Antarctic regions. Lowell then published his views in three books: Mars (1895), Mars and Its Canals (1906), and Mars As the Abode of Life (1908).

Percival Lowell states in the New York Times in 1907:

“It is a direct sequitur from this that the planet is at present the abode of intelligent constructive life, I may say in this connection that the theory of such life upon Mars was in no way an a priori hypothesis on my part, but deduced from the outcome of observation, and that my observations since have fully confirmed it. No other supposition is consonant with all the facts here.”

Lowell announces Life on Mars 1907, and then dies. LoL!!~

After making this announcement in the New York Times, as often happens, his health mysteriously and rapidly deteriorated. He died from a stroke in the middle of World War One on November 12, 1916, aged 61 and is buried on Mars Hill near his Flagstaff observatory. Lowell's announcement had the power to change the world in positive ways that nobody could have foreseen, but instead, his announcement was perceived as a threat by the controlling faction of inhabitants of Mars.

If Martians influenced War on Earth, it is logical that World War 1 may have been triggered by Lowell's announcement of Life on Mars. Shortly after this, World War One changed the world in negative ways that nobody could have foreseen.

Q: Okay, why can't we see any signs of civilization on the surface of Mars today?

Poisoning Lowell wouldn't be enough. World War 1 and 2 wouldn't be enough. Lowell's discovery of Life on Mars must never be repeated. If the cities and other "non-natural features" were observable on Mars, the jig would be up. All cities and canals would all have to be removed. All the Humans who lived in these cities would have to return to the inner realms. Those who refused would have to be convinced.

The solution was simple: turn off the water.

Artificial canals flood during Martian wet seasons providing desert cities with water

While WWI and WWII reorganized Earth, there was a Reorganization on Mars

As soon as the water stopped flowing into the cities, they were abandoned. The abandoned cities were then destroyed by the same automated machines that built them. This is one reason why city ruins tend to be found on Mars. In 1962, the Mariner missions observed Mars at close range, seeing no water, no cities, and no signs of life.

Therefore, it is possible that all Martian surface cities were dismantled between 1918 and 1960. The same Humans who contrived The Great Wars of the 20th Century to dominate Earth at the same time dominated Mars.

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