Excellent summary of how the media has been keeping this news at arm's length. Another bungle I saw on NBC and elsewhere is they reported that Grusch presented his claims and had no evidence, like he was just shrugging and reporting hearsay. The stories failed to mention that Grusch has provided documentation to the Inspector General and is working to connect Congress with sources who have more direct knowledge of these special programs. While he could not reveal classified information in open session, he is clearly providing it in a closed environment to authorities with the proper clearance. And that was clearly stated multiple times during the hearing, yet some media failed to report it. I thought that was an important distinction that was glossed over, making Grusch seem less credible to readers in the process.

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Excellent take on MSM’s nervous side-glancing at Gruschzilla. However, they’re in full lockdown denialism with regard to legislation set to be law in December: “The Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Disclosure Act of 2023” - if Stanley Kubrick were still alive, he’d already be stalking Congress to option the film rights -

“The Federal Government shall exercise eminent domain [ownership] over any and all recovered technologies of unknown origin and biological evidence of non-human intelligence that may be controlled by private persons or entities“ [..] ‘technologies of unknown origin’ means any materials or meta-materials, ejecta, crash debris [..] damaged or intact aerospace vehicles associated with unidentified anomalous phenomena or incorporating science and technology that lacks prosaic attribution or known means of human manufacture..”

- And it goes on like that for 64 pages…


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This was great! And very astute observations about the media coverage. Not saying this is happening here at all, but made me think of the CIA infiltration and influence within news media in the 60s and 70s. I don't know much about it apart from reading Bernstein's exposé on it, but would be curious to see how that influence manifested itself in the media. And how it would compare to the coverage you highlighted.

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You should read my article for The Washington Spectator that also didn't get much mainstream news coverage of the history of scams, hype and even potential SEC investigation into promoters Elizondo, Mellon, etc. Also see @middleofmayhem on the grifters behind Grusch, and @stevencambian. https://washingtonspectator.org/spaceship-of-fools/

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Interesting to see what Kal Korff has been up to - I had no idea he was pursuing those legal avenues. Thanks for sharing.

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