by Bernie O’Connor
By their nature, all UFO books are controversial. But his book is even more controversial, due to the racial and political components of the eschatology of the Nation of Islam. (NOI) Then, there’s the movement's relationship to the controversial subject of UFOs.
Here, as the author claims, the NOI has been well aware of UFOs. They are very real, and not manufactured by aliens, but by highly advanced scientists in Japan. There is a huge mothership, called the Wheel, orbiting the earth that carries within it, 1,500 smaller craft. Its only mission is the salvation of the Nation of Islam and serves as a vehicle of retribution against racial oppression. They have known about the Wheel since 1929. Well before UFOs crashed into our national consciousness.

The official NOI newspaper featured Elijah Muhammad's analysis of the Wheel in space during a run of issues in the 1970s.
The fiat currency we trade with in Ufology are the reports. And the value of these reports are determined by both the source and the quality of the investigators that process, filter and package them for media consumption. Here in this phase, reports can be manipulated to “prove” personal agendas and pet theories. The value of a case can evaporate like cryptocurrency overnight if the blockchain of belief in a case breaks down.
Due diligence is called for every step of the way. Due diligence is accomplished by probing and continued questioning. Then followed by rigorous analysis of the answers received. But the questions must be asked, and the answers not ignored because it’s convenient to do so based on biases, no matter what they may be.
Please bring a completely open mind to this book. Some statements, depending on who you are, may offend you, even threaten you. But it is an eye-opener and should be, in my humble opinion, included for examination in the wide body of UFO literature and large menu of UFO origin possibilities. Set aside any and all political, racial and religious beliefs during this exploration.
The temptation here is to dismiss the NOI out right as just another contactee cult and leave it at that. Mind you, it is not conventional Islam, but a separate religious belief system based on direct communication by Allah, in the human form of a man, Master Fard Muhammad, to the sect’s founder, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Of course the complete story of the NOI is much more complicated, and like all religions, it has many mysteries and miracles.
Through this book you will also learn about the tenets and philosophy of the Nation of Islam, its history, struggles, and community building efforts. Additionally the claims of being protected by the Wheel, made by Minister Louis Farrakhan, the honorable Elijah Muhammad’s successor, is discussed in great detail.
The author, Ilia Rashad Muhammad, proves himself to be well researched and knowledgeable with UFO literature. He cites many UFO cases that could support the reality of the Wheel. Most notably, the famous November 17th 1986 JAL flight 1628 incident, where an impossibly huge UFO was sighted above Alaska. Uncannily fitting the description of the Wheel perfectly.
He is also a scholar on the Bible, the Quran and other religious canons as well. His voluminous reference notes of these sacred texts, coupled with his UFO research, thoroughly backs up his writing work. A quick visit to the author’s website reveals he is currently hard at work creating a docuseries with the same title as the book. To accomplish this goal, he has set up a Gofundme page to make it happen.
Reading this important book will get you thinking on many new and different levels. And not just about UFOs.
A perfect companion read to this book is Michael Lieb’s 1994 book titled, Children of Ezekiel: Aliens, UFOs, The Crisis of Race and the Advent of End Time. It’s a first-hand, deep drive into the Nation of Islam and their teachings on black cosmology and racial origins.